Introduction to the Management Partner Program and why you need to Partner & Profit with AJIBOYE, the Monkey Business Agency to build your business.

Agency Partner Program Manual

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Welcome to Monkey Business Agency Partner Program!
As an independent web solutions provider, you already know that the global Web Solutions industry is a trillion dollar industry. And it's still growing!
We believe you recognize this growth as an opportunity to build your business, and you probably know all too well the challenges of actually doing this all by yourself. 
Working by yourself, you are a one-man operation doing marketing, sales, delivery, billing, and still service the few accounts you do get. You have little pricing power, and compete against too many other providers. Projects take months to close, and are small, narrowly scoped to your specialty. Without a team, you cannot take on bigger projects. You live only on what you kill, your business cashflow is month to month. In this status quo, your independence has become a liability. You only make money when you work, so your business is not sustainable, and you know you need to do better.
Our program is designed to help you do just that, by simply fixing the pesky problems that hold you back, and providing the team, tools, infrastructure and services you need to build a better, more profitable, more enjoyable, and ultimately, more successful business for yourself.
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