Learn about our Open Agency Model to fully understand how AJIBOYE Monkey Business Agency Management Partner Program works.

Agency Partner Program Manual

Table of Contents

How our Agency works

Understanding how the Agency works, helps you maximize your income potential!
The Agency
The Agency is a network of independent service providers ( aka. Specialists ), each specialized in providing at least one service; collectively the Agency can provide all the services that Projects needs.
The Agency Product
This is Billable Time ( Support Hrs ), competitively priced, and is purchased from support options and applied to Projects
Complete record of the purchased time, rate paid, and its usage history is logged in each Project Support Ledger.
The Account
This is the person that purchased the Agency Product.
Also known as the Client, Customer.
The Account Owner
This is the person that brought the Account to the Agency.
The Account Owner earns 5% commission on every order the Account places with the Agency for life, which means, if the Account spends $ 500 per month for 20 years, the Account Owner earns would earn $ 6000 over the 20 year period.
The Agency Team
This is the group of Specialists servicing the Project.
Each specialist in the group is chosen by the Project Manager, and receives an email alert when he/she is added to any Project.
All Specialists earn 70% of the Agency Product rate for the billable time logged. So, if an Account purchases 10 hr of support for $ 50 per hour, and a specialist uses 5 hrs to complete a task, he/she will earn $ 175 for the completed work.
The Project Manager 
This is the person that organizes, leads, and manages the Agency Team servicing the Account, and helps the Account plan, execute, and manage their initiatives.
The Project Manager logs Project Management Time, which is a standard 5% billable time of the total work been done, for managing the project. For example, if the Account purchased 100 hrs, an additional 5% or 5 hrs is included purely for Project Management Time.
When a new Project is created by the Account, If the Account Owner is also an Agency Specialist, then he automatically becomes the Project Manager, and entitled to logging and earning Project Management Time.
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